Your game might not have and umpire next week

12 Jan 2020 by Chris Clayton

We need an umpire for 11.30.

We can play a game with 10 people but we can’t play without 2 umpires.

For people to enjoy THEIR game we need umpires from other teams.

Today the 3s have a game and no one has volunteered from the 6 other teams who could do it.

If no one steps up Wayne will have to umpire his own team.

It will be very difficult for me to ask Wayne to provide an umpire next week for one of your games if no one helps the 3s this week. Yesterday Tom Biddle umpired the 4s for the first time. He did a great job supported by Keith on the radio. Oh and earned a tenner.

Please volunteer today to umpire with Keith at 11.30.

